Today's theme is anything goes for our TGIF Design Team! Yay! This made me excited as I had one more card left to share from my Onstage Live Display Board from last November in Salt Lake City! As well, we could all use a few more birthday cards right? Now if you wish to join in this week, the idea is you create a project that has been inspired by one of the TGIF Design Team projects this week. I would love for you to CASE (Copy And Share Everything) any aspect of my card! Check it out below!
This card features the Bird Banter Stamp Set. I chose to make a card using this set that has ZERO birds. Why? Well because I really did want to showcase just how versatile this set is! If you aren't familiar with the Bird Banter Stamp Set you can check out all of the images in this set in the photo below!
Isn't it fabulous? The birds have so much character. As well, there are some great sentiments in this set! Making it perfect for just about any paper crafting project!
Finally, since this is my last share from my display board at Onstage Live in Salt Lake City, and I have so many great memories from that trip, I am going to share a photo of my display board one last time. If you are in Canada, and you are interested in attending a Stampin' Up! Onstage event, you can contact me to join my team! Check out more details on becoming a demonstrator by clicking HERE.
Cheers & Happy Stamping!
Carolynn 💖