Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Be Inspired Design Team Blog Hop - Stampin' Up! Better Together Stamp Set

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Be Inspired Design Team Blog Hop! You are currently visiting Carolynn Sander in Calgary, Alberta, Canada! If you have been hopping along, you most likely arrived here via the wonderfully talented Cathy Caines!I have a feeling that she left you feeling pretty inspired today!

The theme for today is Sympathy, or Get Well Soon. This can be a tough theme for some. Saying that, Stampin' Up! has a great line of products to work with. There are many ideas to be shared today so I hope that you get a chance to follow the hop full circle.

It's ironic that I chose this theme for today's blog hop quite some time ago. It's autumn here in Canada right now. This is my favourite time of year. We got married on a gorgeous fall day in October almost 17 years ago for this exact reason. I love autumn. But this fall has been particularly difficult for me. I have been gifted with all of the most beautiful blessings anyone could ever wish for in life. A husband I love. Three beautiful children who fill me with so much joy that it brings me to tears. Yep! My cup is overflowing with tears of joy. My heart is so full. Yet this year I feel this season has mostly been a period of grief for me. Is it because my babies are growing and I know they are entering a phase of life where they are becoming more independent? That this means I am closer to that day when their little laughs will no longer bounce off the walls inside this house we call home? Is it because this September marks 8 years without my dad? My dad who always called me Care Bear. Is it because my grandma is nearing 90? She always said she would live to be 90. What next? Is it because I work in a job where we are submerged with daily reminders of just how fragile life is? Is it because I am nearing forty and my own age is trying to remind me just how precious every moment we have on this earth is? Is it because I feel everything around me with all of my heart? Is it because I am not good with change? Yep! That part is true! But big truth is.... it's been a hard month. I have talked to friends. I have cried. I have worked through the emotions. I am doing pretty good now. I spoke with a counsellor and she helped normalize all of this. I know I have it good. I am sharing today because I want everyone to know that it's okay to talk. To share. To love. And I am pretty much done with the "Sympathy" Theme (lol). I am going to keep living every moment to it's fullest. Saying that, sympathy cards are one of the most meaningful projects we can create and share with others. I hope that today's project and hop inspire you to create a few sympathy cards to keep on hand for those unexpected moments when they are most needed. And in the meantime take care of you, hug your loved ones, and live.💖 

Today's project was created with a number of my favourite Stampin' Up! products. I took a variety of favourites (some old... some new) and truthfully slapped this baby together! For a complete list of products check out the supply list below. Thanks for visiting today! I hope that you enjoyed today's project. Up next is the amazingly talented Brian King! I can't wait to see what he has to share with us today!

Thanks again! If you have any questions in regards to today's project feel free to contact me! As well, if you are in Canada and you are interested in purchasing Stampin' Up! products, I would love to have you visit my Stampin' Up! online shop! Just click on the shop button below if you wish!

Cheers & Happy Stamping!

Carolynn 💖


  1. Beautiful, Carolynn! I love this layout - so versatile. Your combination of colors and textures is quite stunning.

  2. I love your beautiful card, Carolynn. You may have slapped it together, but it is beautiful with the copper embossing and paper. It seems as though you have a lot on your plate and I'm glad you are talking it out. I agree we all need to do that at times. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you so much. It means a lot. I hope you had a lovely day as well.💖

  3. What a beautiful card! Love all the details! Tiny little heart is a sweet touch!

    1. Awe thank you! And those wee hearts are available on the clearance rack right now. I hope I get to stock up on them before they are goners!lol💖

  4. Big hugs and smooches from me to you, love you. Oh and it's a great card too, lol.

  5. Wow, what a heartfelt post. Thank you for sharing your words and your card, which is stunning.

  6. your card and design are beautiful! thanks for sharing

  7. Your card is so gorgeous! Loved to read about your thoughts .. thank you for being real and encouraging!
